As we enter October, a 9 month (1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 9), fiery Mars, ruler of the 9, is set to bring drama to the world stage. This isn’t any ordinary drama. The solar eclipse on the 2nd is primed for major endings as well as beginnings. Pluto the planet of destruction and rebirth, has been going over old ground in its retrograde motion. It is about to station direct before moving forward, finally leaving Capricorn next month, entering Aquarius where it will remain until 2043, a 9 year. This move into rebellious and freedom-loving Aquarius is huge and is set to change our future in unexpected ways.

Whenever a planet stations and appears to stay still, it is closer to the Earth and its activity greatly intensifies. Pluto is likely to bring power struggles. Mars, ruler of the 9 is passionate, intense and quick to react. With increasing confusion and unrest in the world, let us not forget that cosmic Light is pouring through and anchoring into the core of our beautiful planet. Mother Earth is holding us in her loving arms.

Some of our feelings of unrest may be difficult to fathom; however these could very well be due to the major adjustments happening within our bodies. These adjustments are necessary as they enable us to cope with the high frequencies that are part of the fifth dimensional shift. Finding a quiet time to breathe deeply into our hearts is important to maintain and strengthen our inner core.

We can also do our bit in this crazy world by sending love out to the Universe, to our family and friends, and to those who are suffering. Self-love is vital at this time; if we cannot love ourselves, how can we be available to support others?

With such intense energies, a personal energy protection sequence carried out first thing each morning and last thing at night will help maintain personal boundaries. Meditation is extremely beneficial. Beings from the higher realms are eager to help us in times of need; however they can only help if we ask.

As we move through this 9 month of completion, we are being called to let go. Releasing the old is essential to allow new transformative energies to enter our beautiful bodies throughout this powerful awakening process. With inpouring of Light, the cosmos is aligning, supporting the evolution of consciousness and a New Earth.

(With thanks to NASA for provision of this 2015 photo of Pluto taken from a NASA spacecraft. I wonder if you noticed the heart?)