Hello everyone and welcome to the start of an exciting new numerology 9-month cycle. This is a universal cycle, affecting us all. December is a 1 month (1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1), bringing the promise of new beginnings, and opening us up to new possibilities. The zero in the compound number 10 greatly amplifies the energies of the 1. This is because a zero that falls behind any other number significantly increases the qualities of that number.
Number 1 is attributed to the Sun and the zodiac sign of Leo. Leo is both colourful and dramatic and helps the creative juices flow. Whether it’s decorating our house to welcome in the Christmas festivities, or revamping our wardrobe, the potential for creativity is greatly heightened.
The 1 vibration also supports focus to get things done. If we’ve been thinking about next year’s holiday, maybe an overseas trip, now is a good time to start planning. Perhaps our job is no longer satisfying, and we’d like to try something new and different. Leo is about courage, so it’s important for us to take the first step by making an initial enquiry; only then will the universe know we have serious intentions.
As humanity continues to go through a massive shift that is resulting in changes in human consciousness, our experience of reality is also changing. It is important to let go of old programming and beliefs. We are being prepared to embrace this new paradigm with its energy of compassion, love, and forgiveness.
Because number 1 stands alone, even with the celebrations of the festive season, we may at times feel lonely. If you’ve been reading my newsletters for a while, you will know that I love the connectivity of gazing at the Moon and stars. Connecting with our spirit guides or ancestors through meditation, or simply calling them in, will also help us feel supported and part of the whole.
As we look back on 2023, the 7 vibration has certainly been intense. This has been a time of reflection and clearing of the old energies. For many, it has brought great understanding of the things that really matter in our lives.