What an exciting month! Not only are we experiencing the 8-8 energy of the 8 month of August within the 8 year of 2024. We have also arrived at the Lions Gate opening. This is an enormous cosmic annual event that peaks on August 8th giving us this massive 8-8-8 energy, making this the most potent day of this year.

The Lions Gateway is the result of a portal opening in the heavens for approximately two weeks, from late July to mid-August.  Here we have the alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in Leo causing a potent energy stream to move through the stars and pour to Earth. This results not only in a physical alignment, but also a spiritual one. Our human energy field is being activated as high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening ignite our DNA.

This portal opening means that within this potent timeframe we can more readily connect with the spiritual world. Messages may come to us through dreams, our meditations, and if we are open, through synchronistic happenings in our lives.

This month we can expect more upsets on the world stage, both politically and financially. Major adjustments are essential in order to ensure the continuation of massive planetary karmic clearing on our planet, in order to restore equilibrium.

In January’s newsletter I spoke of the potency of the number 8. With its two conjoined circles, this is the number of balance. You may well ask how we can possibly be balanced with all the going’s on in these chaotic times. We can do this by keeping our heads down, staying with our own inner truths, and ensuring we take time to rest and recuperate. Rest is particularly important to allow these strong energetic realignments to adjust and balance our bodies at a deep cellular level.

As we power through the eighth year of this nine year Universal cycle, we are moving quickly forward to a significant year of completion, that of 2025. Eight is the number of karma, so August’s 8-8 energy is helping to bring many of those seemingly endless negative repeating cycles to resolution.