Jeanne Prosser Numerologist


April is a Universal 3 month, (4+ 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3), and with its exuberant energy brings new opportunities our way. Number 3 is attributed to the planet Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius, a Fire sign that urges us to expand our awareness. This potent energy also supports us in moving out of old patterns of behaviour and outworn beliefs, and to embrace the new.

Number 3 is on the mind plane and is also strongly connected to the heart and our emotions. This creative energy brings a focus to both love and self-expression, supporting us to manifest our desires, helping lead us forward to that place where love is the foundation of our lives.

This month the energies are intensifying. They have been building since the Equinox and recent Lunar eclipse. As we head towards a massive Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th they continue to gather momentum. We are on the brink of something amazing; much will be revealed and will continue to evolve and unravel for the next 12 months.

As life continues to move forward at an immense pace, many of us are finding these huge energies are resulting in weird dream states and causing major disturbances to our sleep patterns. Our body’s electrical systems are likely to be in overdrive as we adjust to massive inpourings of Light codes. Being out in nature, using grounding techniques, and turning off our electronics when not needed will support our bodies in this major adjustment process.

In the negative, Jupiter and the 3 energy of this month means that we can overdo things. This is because Jupiter is about excess. Not only can we over-indulge, for example, by lavish spending or over-eating; we are likely to overthink and over-worry.

A good friend of mine taught me years ago that if we scribble out our worries or fears onto a sheet of paper, we eventually get to a point where we’ve exhausted all those concerns. We can then let go by simply burning the paper we’ve written on. I use this technique to rid myself of any negative or obsessive thinking about those things I cannot change.

I also write three entries into my Gratitude journal about anything that has given me joy during the day. Today, as I rest in bed recovering from recent surgery, I’ll write about the kindness of someone I barely know who rang me out of the blue to offer support. Three is a connecting number, and this call was a timely reminder that building and maintaining supportive relationships will help us through any challenges. 

Have a great month, and don’t forget to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.