Welcome to the first day of summer and the final month of 2019. It certainly has been a whirlwind kind of year and I think most of us would agree it’s difficult to comprehend that this year is almost complete.
2019 is a ‘3’ year (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3) that has brought excitement for many as well as a scattering of energy and lots of ups and downs. Number 3 is ruled by Jupiter which is a Fire sign, and unfortunately many parts of Australia have experienced the element of fire in a deeply physical way with the raging of devastating fires, especially in the Eastern states. Number 3 brings much cleansing energy and is the catalyst for change both at a mundane and a personal level. Fortunately, change is followed by renewal.
Next year, 2020 is a ‘4’ year. Number 4 is ruled by Saturn, an Earth sign. There will be much regeneration and renewal both at a physical level affecting the earth as well as at a personal level. In contrast to the energy of this year, 2020 will bring energy to help us ground and focus. But more of this next year!
December 2019 is a ‘6’ month in numerology (1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6). With the Christmas festivities fast approaching this is an ideal month to spend time in the company of family and friends and to entertain and be entertained.
Number 6 is ruled by the planet Venus, associated with the dual signs of Libra and Taurus. Libra is an Air sign relating to communication and Taurus is an Earth sign, ruling the voice. This is a great time to communicate with others at a deep level.
If you need to clear the air or get in touch with family or friends you haven’t spoken to in a long time, the universe will support you in doing this. Listening to your favourite songs or even singing along with them will help lift your vibration. Six is a humanitarian number so this is also an ideal time to think of and reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves.
Especially in this festive season we may easily overspend on Christmas gifts or overindulge in too many Christmas treats and drinks. We may need to be mindful that because of the influence of Taurus, we are more likely to overdo things.
Have a wonderful Christmas and may the new year bring you good health and much happiness.