March is a 2 month (3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2), bringing an energy of togetherness and connection. Two is about two or more people, so communication is the key to increased understanding. At a personal level, any perceived differences can be more readily overcome. On the work front we are likely to feel more resourceful, and opportunities for collaboration, if taken up, will give increased satisfaction.

Two is associated with the Moon, ruling the nurturing sign of Cancer. As the number of unconditional love, relationships may blossom, and this month is likely to bring an increase in pregnancies and births. The Moon illuminates, bringing opportunities for self-reflection and self-realisation.

This is the time to go inside ourselves, to draw on our own inner resources, and to be fully present. Being present may include spending time in nature, even if this consists of wandering around our garden for a few minutes, or taking a few deep, invigorating breaths in the fresh air before heading out for a busy day. Personally, I love sitting outside in the early morning listening to birdsong.

The month of March also contains the energy of a Master number, that of the 11. Eleven is the Spiritual Messenger that connects heaven with our Earthly plane. The 11/2 vibration brings Light codes to Earth to help expand our awareness, and further our understanding of the divinity of our connection. If we are open to receive, messages will also come to us in our dreams, and in meditation.

The 11 energy also brings challenges to shift our awareness. The Autumn Equinox on 22nd March, followed a few days later by a Lunar eclipse, brings increased intensity. Striking a balance between our outer and inner worlds will be especially important at this time. It may be useful to remember that any extreme happenings in our outer world are part of the awakening process of the collective that will ultimately lead to the manifestation of a brighter future.