Jeanne Prosser Numerologist

As I contemplate writing this month’s newsletter, I feel drawn to mention October’s energies, and how these panned out for me personally.  You may recall that October was a 9 month, a time of completion. Unfortunately, I didn’t take on board my own message to others that in a 9 month it is best to postpone taking on anything new. This is because the 9 vibration is about letting go.

In early October I registered in a 12-month spiritual mentorship program. After paying the deposit, I received several messages that my answers lay within. This led to the realisation that, for me, this program was a huge mistake. With relief I let it go and know in my heart that I made the right choice. This was a huge personal lesson about walking my talk and heeding the number vibrations that clearly show the way.

I wonder whether, looking back, you recall having made a conscious decision to bring closure to something in your own life last month? Perhaps you decided to retire from work, or maybe sold or gave away something that had held meaning for you, or simply decluttered your house.

Returning to the present, the world is at a pivotal point. In fact, Spirit has been telling me that in this 1 month of new beginnings, our world has finally moved past the turning point into the new. Essentially what this means is that the Light has overcome the darkness.

Of course, we cannot expect the darkness clouding our beautiful planet to suddenly fall away. This is all about right timing, and new systems that are ready to be established can only come into play as the old-world systems completely fall away. However, this is an exciting time as new ideas and innovative plans will shortly be presented on the public stage.

November is the start of a brand new 9-month numerology cycle (1 + 1 + 2 +0 + 2 + 4 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1). Number 1, associated with the Sun and Leo provides a shining light with the promise of new beginnings, and new possibilities. Working in harmony with this month’s vibration, these higher frequencies are also supportive of greater confidence and increased feelings of wellbeing.  

This is also an opportune time to start something new ourselves. Our lives are like an open book with blank pages, ready to be filled with creative ideas. As we traverse a new path the 1 energy is a doorway opening ever wider to welcome the possibility of new experiences.

As we move quickly forward in time, we can expect greater fulfilment and a deeper connection with ourselves and each other. Love always wins. Humanity is evolving like never before, and when we herald in the 9 year of 2025, we can expect more closures, to allow the birthing of new energy, as we create a world based on unity, love, compassion and truth.